Missouri State Treasurer's Linked Deposits

Due to extraordinary demand, the Linked Deposit “MOBUCK$” application portal is closed until further notice. Please routinely check the State Treasurer’s Office website and social media pages for important updates about the Linked Deposit “MOBUCK$” program, including potential portal reopening dates.

Thank you for your institution’s interest in the MOBUCK$ linked deposit program. In order to request linked deposits from the Missouri State Treasurer's office, please log in below.

Please remember that a financial institution must have a fully executed depositary contract with the Missouri State Treasurer's Office before receiving any deposits. If you do not have such a contract, please contact us at (573) 751-2372.

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After 5 failed login attempts, you will be locked out.

NOTE:  Missouri Linked Deposit Program loans are issued by the Missouri State Treasurer's Office for a one-year term, which may be renewed annually up to five years.   A Missouri Linked Deposit for a multi-year fixed rate may be considered.  If you are requesting a multi-year fixed rate, please attach a justification based on sound business reasons.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Notice

No qualified individual with a disability shall, by reason of such disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of the services, programs or activities of the Missouri State Treasurer’s office, or be subjected to discrimination by the Missouri State Treasurer.  Any applicant for the Missouri Linked Deposit Program who needs special accommodations (e.g., documents prepared in an alternative format or special telecommunications assistance) should request such accommodations from the Missouri State Treasurer.  For more information about such services, contact the Director of Investments at (573)751-8530.


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